Good Behaviour at The Orchard

Our 5 Rules:

Rights and Responsibilities at The Orchard

Everyone has a right to a happy and safe time in school

Everyone has the responsibility to:

If someone hurts or upsets you...

Behaviour and Bullying

What does the school do? What do parents need to do?

Here are our expectations and policies which show how we approach these important aspects of the children's learning and experience at school.

Listening to the children is key and encouraging them to TELL adults when they are upset or hurt by someone else. However it is important not to interrogate children and ask repeated questions about behaviour at school as children will sense you are worried and will begin to feel worried themselves.

The children may also wish to give you an answer because they think that is what you want. . .  So, in talking to your children, make the emphasis on listening and not asking lots of questions and also on encouraging them to tell you about the fun they have in playtimes and during lessons.

Please contact the teacher if you have a concern about bullying or behaviour.

Click HERE to find out how we support social and emotional needs at The Orchard

Click HERE to read our Anti-Bullying policy

Click HERE to read our Behaviour Policy